Saturday, October 23, 2021

When Every Senate Republican Refused To Debate the "Freedom To Vote" Bill. . .

Under the Hood
 Of Texas Governor Abbott

"Gov. Greg Abbott, on Thursday appointed John Scott - a Fort Worth attorney who briefly represented former President Donald Trump in a lawsuit challenging the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania - as Texas' new secretary of state.

As secretary of state, Scott would oversee election administration in Texas - a task complicated in recent years by baseless claims of election fraud from Republicans in the highest levels of government, fueled by Trump."  - James Barragan. The Texas Tribune 10/21-2021

We are all aware - or should be - of the plan that will be put into motion should a Republican presidential candidate actually lose an election in Texas, and many other GOP-controlled states.  The plan is as follows: The Secretary of State (the Texas election official) will declare the election was heavily filled with fraud and, therefore, will be null and void.  A new winner will be immediately named (the Republican, of course) and a new set of electorates (Republicans, of course) will be named and ready to proceed to our Washington D.C. Capitol to help in certifying the results of the Electoral College and our next president (the Republican, of course) of the United States of America.

It will be tested in many courts, finally ending in the U.S. Supreme Court where the Republicans hold control. During this legal fiasco, America will watch an authoritarian ruler destroy our democracy.  

All of this because of a marauding political party that cannot accept defeat.  The Republican Party of Trump has added crooked laws and placed loyal people in enough of the right places to see that they will never lose another election!

And they have done all of this right under your noses. 

There are two main political parties in America. 
One of them is not at all like the other!

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