Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Devil Went Down to Iowa. . .

When the Grand Old Party of Republicans decided to sell their souls to Donald Trump, they became the Republican Party of Trump. It has been reported by PEW Research that 82% of all Republicans now approve of Trump. That only equates to only 20% of all Americans over the age of 18, however. 

We need to think about that for a minute. Our nation is in an uproar and ready to go to another civil war against 20% of us! We are a nation of laws, not men. Our Department of Justice is supposed to be able to handle this problem. We have a horde of unruly kids who are demonizing our country and the solution is clear.  We must eliminate the possibility of their leader ever running for office again and the mess will be over.  He tried to prosecute a coup against his own government and that, alone, should void his chances of every holding another elected office.

Meanwhile, in the state of Iowa, 54% of their voters are Trump supporters.  If that problem isn't bad enough, their senior Senator Chuck Grassley, has decided if he wants to be re-elected, he'll have to kiss the butt of the beloved Trump. And kiss it he did!  Last Saturday, he groveled at the feet of "the one" during a yelling and screaming "rally" put on by Trump.  It seems obvious that Trump is showing positive signs of running again in 2024.

Senator  Grassley, 88 years old, wants to be their senator until he is nearly 95 years old! Think about that.

If an addle-brained, senile old man feels it is necessary to climb the steps to the "great one's" rally stage, what does that say about the power of the Republican Party? If you haven't earned a vote to be re-elected after serving for 41 years, how can sucking up to a creature of pure evil help you? This is insane!

But, this is how many Republicans holding elected offices feel about the former president.  They must kiss his ring before he rounds up an unqualified but loyal candidate to run against them in the next primary election.

Strange things are done in the Republican sun;
But the strangest I ever did see,
Was that fateful night by the full moon's light
They gave sainthood to Trump -  with glee!

When Sen. Grassley sold his entire forty-one career just to curry favor from the traitorous former president for an eighth six-year term, America lost all respect for him.

Even worse, there are many Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate who are doing the exact same, despicable acts! When will these people grow a backbone?

So long, Grand Old Party. . . 

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