Friday, October 15, 2021

Senators, lend me your ears. . .

 How the GOP decided to ruin America

It is an arrogant, deliberate, and diabolical attack on our democracy by the Republican Party of Trump. There is no comparative time or action in American history, other than the civil war, when a faction of our nation has overtly declared war on the rest of us. They have attacked our nation's capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 for the singular purpose of overturning our election, made a full frontal attack on our right to vote, and threatened the peace and civility of the majority of our citizens.  They have, in fact, declared war on those of us who do not believe as they do.

There is no other way to state the obvious. We are in a full-blown confrontation with a pack of thieves who are intent on stealing our constitution and our democracy! 

The Republican Party of Trump is how they are technically titled, but they reach much further into the roles of domestic terrorism.  The former president called forth the likes of the Proud Boys, the QAnons, the Oath Keepers, and others to do his bidding. They were ordered by him to "stand back and stand ready." And "at ready" they all are!

Since the former president began his assault on our country, the former Grand Old Party members stepped forth and have carried water for him with gusto.  Today, however, they appear to fear him. Tomorrow, they will help him as he makes an attempt to tie up their Party's nomination for President. While it is true that not everyone in the Party is as enamored with him, it is also true that those who do are the nosiest - and the most fearful!

No one recognizes America anymore. It has been turned on its head by the "perfect storm"  -  The Covid-19 Pandemic and the complete collapse of the Grand Old Party. Like Icarus, the boy who flew on wings of feathers and wax and flew to close to the sun, there is also a moral for narcissistic presidents who lack awareness of being overly ambitious, which can also lead to unexpected consequences.

In turn, Trump has taken the "once" Grand Old Party as his own platform and driven it into the ground. As a result, it has stranded many of the members and it appears their only way to turn is to follow him further down the rabbit hole.

Perhaps, Senators McConnell, Graham, Johnson, Cruz, or Grassley could offer an eulogy at the burial of the Grand Old Party:

Friends, Senators, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury the GOP of Trump, not to praise it.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with the Grand Old Party.

Good or bad, they really were once a "grand" old party. 

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