Sunday, October 10, 2021

We Can't Be As Stupid As They Think We Are?

"Donald Trump's extraordinary effort to overturn his 2020 election defeat brought the Justice Department to the brink of chaos, and prompted top officials there and at the White House to threaten to resign if carried out, 
a Senate Judiciary Committee report found."

"The report released Thursday, Oct. 7th by the Senate Committee offers new insight into how the Republican incumbent tried to undo the vote and exert his will on the department, asking leaders to declare the election "corrupt" and disparaging its top official for not doing anything to overturn the results."

"Trump's actions led to a near-revolt at department headquarters that receded only after senior officials warned of a mass resignation, with one White House lawyer describing efforts to undo the election as a murder-suicide pact."
                                                                            Above copy from the Associated Press

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has held his seat since elected in 1980. He is 88 years old and will defend the former president's treasonous coup of our government until the cows come home.  To add to America's injury regarding Trump's attempted takeover, our nation is insulted to learn the latest poll out of Iowa that shows 54% still support the former president! That is, of course, good news to ol' Chuck and it explains why he wants the voters to know he's still on Trump's side. After hearing senate committee testimony from witnesses regarding the coup attempt, the senator decided "Trump didn't do anything wrong...he thought about it, but he didn't do it." Of course, the three dead, 150+ injured, doors and windows shattered, and items stolen in the Capitol building don't seem to register with ol' Chuck!
Let's look at the mess from another direction. The Republican Party of Trump had a clear plan to overturn the 2020 election of our next president. They looked at our democracy squarely in the face and decided to eliminate it!  Their Party's needs were greater than the life of our nation. There is no argument whatsoever of their intent, and if that doesn't move you, then know that their coup hasn't been forgotten.  Their future plans call for a continuation in the fight to overturn our present form of government. 

We are, indeed, talking about the Republican Party of Trump. They see no future for themselves unless they can change how our government works - for them

This fight will take all of us. This fight will mean electing Democrats, Independents, or moderate Republicans only!

We have no other choice!

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