Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sequel to disaster. . .

He's Wants to finish us off! \
Twice Impeached and Soon To be Twice Beaten

When you're about three steps from Federal Prison and your old gang is on their way, you have to think maybe now is not the right time to run for any office - especially the one for President of the United States!

Let's think about this for a minute:  Donald J. Trump was going to announce his run for the 2024 presidency race a week ago and his handlers talked him out of it. According to advisors in his camp, however, he will definitely be announcing the dirty deed soon.

Well, he does have unfinished business. He hasn't wrecked everything in congress yet. And, he hasn't completely screwed up the Department of Justice as far as we know. There is also that little matter of the Grand Old Party, too. He has managed to take control of most of it, but there are a still a few ragamuffins and Trumpsters who have their pointy little minds set on running for the Oval Office, themselves.

Dear me, what will "The Donald" do about them?

Will the remaining Republican moderates be level-headed enough to convince him to stay in his Mar-a-Lago retirement villa, or will it take the slamming of his private cell door in some cozy federal prison to bring him to his senses?

Old Donald has some 'plainin' to do, America. What makes him think he can build a resume for President of the United States out of a pile of criminal charges and doofus-laden former experiences on the job?

This clown was a disaster as president.  He was an embarrassment to us, to our allies, and even to our adversaries, who laughed behind his back.

The nightmare of all nightmares would keep us awake for months on end if this guy was ever allowed to run for any office again.

Staffers from his former White House have openly said "his return to the presidency would be devastating.  This man is a monster!"

What do you say, America. . . Is this crazy, or what?


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