Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Report From the Loony Bin. . .

 Who Lit The Match?
Who Poured Gasoline On The Fire?
Who Will Put Out The Flame?

Who struck the match is easy: Rep. Matt Gaetz. He called for Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to be thrown out of office - and the vote passed. This is how they treat the second in line to become President if something happened to Biden and Harris. It was a fait accompli by a rowdy bunch of hooligans who have no business in the offices they hold. Gaetz is a juvenile delinquent in the minds of many Americans. He saw a chance to call for the vote and put his mug and name in the spotlight. Evidently he was elected to tear things down rather than build things up.

Those toting gas cans to the fire are the troublemakers of the U.S. House, such as Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Matt Rosendale, and others. Their states must be so proud of them.

As far as who will put out the flame is questionable.  The House has gone nearly three weeks with no Speaker, which means absolutely no business. Our government is in a crisis mode while the House sits idle. They are even unable to agree on a new Speaker. We can only hope there is a Republican in the House who has the moxie to step up and right the ship.

All the while, good ol' Matt Gaetz and his gang of legislative terrorists are basking in the limelight of ignorant bliss!

Election 2024 is heating up and we hope American voters have been paying attention to the condition of their country.

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