Elephant Talk at the Montana PSC. . .

 What Do You Get With A Public Service Commission
Full of Elephants?


The current Montana Public Service Commission is filled to the brim with elephants and they just approved a 28% electricity rate increase for NorthWestern Energy's residential and small business customers.

Yes, they did, and they did it in broad daylight and with smiles on their little faces. (After all, Northwestern folks have to live, too.)

This, of course, is the way of elephants. When they begin to move, there is little in their path that will survive their onslaught. This five-member right-wing collection of business-lovin' "yes men and women" will give NorthWestern what ever they want.

So, dig out your candles, flashlights, firewood, and kerosene lanterns and enjoy Montana's winterland.

And drop the PSC members a note of thanks: Randy Pinocci (if he's not in jail by now), Tony O'Donnell,, James Brown, Jennifer Fielder, and Ann Bukacek.  Republicans all! 

P.S. They each make $111,179 a year as a PSC member. 


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