Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Conservative Curriculum Creep. . .

PragerU is the world's leading conservative
nonprofit that is focused on changing minds 
through the creative use of digital media.

PragerU hit the Montana news by inserting itself into our Office of Public Instruction agenda and getting approval to swamp our public school curriculum with far-right thinking. It is an advocacy group and media organization that creates content promoting their strong conservative viewpoints on various political, economic, and sociological topics. It was founded in 2009.

They are insisting that their conservative agenda be implemented in our public school their way of teaching our children. 

When Elsie Arntzen, Superintendent of Montana's Office of Public Instruction was asked about it, she said, "they had all of the necessary credentials and so I opened the gate to let them in." Elsie  is, of course, the Montana Republican Administration's gate keeper of such things.  Big mistake, Montana!

We Montanans are aware of the far-right conservative's views on our public curriculum.  Such things as banning books about how our nation treated slaves, the facts on why we had a Civil War, and other topics that obviously stir embarrassment to conservatives. In other words, we ain't got no business teaching that factual stuff to our kids today!

Get involved and stop Elsie and the conservative ideology from getting their way in our public school curriculum . .and give PragerU the boot!

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