A liar's gotta' do what a liar's gotta' do. . .

Lying became easy at a very early age. They were in their big boy pants, full of pee and vinegar, and thought themselves invincible. Losing was not an option to their hairbrained ideas. A few lies here and there were acceptable. After all, it was their time to shine and shoot for the moon. The Republican Party was hungry for a few wins and if it brought in a few billion extra for their friends in the higher income brackets, that was okay, too.

It was the saber-rattling election between George W. Bush and Al Gore that brought out highly corrupt dealings in the state of Florida where a guy named Brother Jeb Bush was governor. When the election recount was taking place and it was getting closer to a win for Gore, suddenly, ol' Jeb called a halt to the recount and threw it to the U.S. Supreme Court for a decision.  The court, of course, was stacked in favor of Republicans and that meant an obvious win for the  conservative George W. He was immediately given the Oval Office. Later in his term, "W" and his VP "uncle Dick" Cheney wanted to go into Iraq and do some heavy money hauling under the disguise that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction laying around all over the place. Of course that was soon found to be just another big fat lie from the Republicans, but America stood around with their fingers up their noses and let it all disappear into smoke and mirrors. 

While we promise ourselves we won't let them get away with it again, we watched a new breed of lying charlatans who make all before them shake with fear. Donald Trump upgraded the right to outstrip all others with his GOP Lie-o-Meter 2.0 The count was lost after a fact-check of 35,000 of his lies were recorded. When he lost the re-election bid, he nearly started the second civil war by prosecuting a coup and insurrection on our government. Fake electors were signed up by helpful Republicans around the country and ready to have a fake electoral count to give him the win. Again, he was caught along with his GOP cronies in congress and several states and court cases are still moving through the justice system.

So, what do the Republicans have up their sleeves for the 2024 election?  We can bet it'll be a dozy! Most history experts see a continued assault on our democracy, rule of law, and constitution. Their ideology is so far out of the mainstream of America that, by their own admission, they have no hope of winning another election fairly!

A man's gotta' do what a man's gotta' do. . . 

And a Republican's gotta' lie about what a Republican's gotta' lie about!

It's their way of life.

Can we really, in all good sense, vote for any more of them?


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