When will we learn?

 "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment has been folded, stapled, and mutilated by the far-right for so many years that James Madison, who proposed it, would surely not recognize it in its present understanding. It was ratified in 1791 to allow the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government.

The founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom. 

The obvious flaw in today's understanding of the amendment is "common sense." That being the lack of foresight of the Founding Fathers that ordinary citizens should not be allowed to own weapons that were intended for use only by the nation's military.

In short, the far-right's need to boost the manufacture and sale of weapons of mass destruction is a total political maneuver. The NRA lobbyists have worked the system to its upmost in order to pour money into the pockets of legislators for their re-election needs.  

Today, gun maniacs can buy as man army-style killing machines as they can afford. There are more than enough guns and rifles made and sold for every man, woman, and child in America!

The lies of the NRA and the gun lobbyists are stretching thin and it will soon bring down their empire. Why does someone need a fully-automatic machine gun or rifle?  Why?

Let's get the right-wing, the NRA, and the gun lobbyists out of the business of aiding and abetting the terrible death of our innocent citizens! 

When will we learn? 


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