A Once-Grand Institution of American Pride. . .

A National Lampoon movie "Animal House" in 1978 was based on when a horde of socially inept freshmen arrived at college and  attempted to pledge at the snooty Omega Theta Pi House.  It went down hill fast from there.

You know, of course, where I'm going with this. 

When the "socially inept" freshmen barged into the U.S. House of Representatives and began raising hell, it struck a familiar note with most Americans, too. And practically overnight the place turned into a "United States Animal House." 

Today, they have reached such an inferno of ineptness that they are completely incapable of even choosing their own Speaker of the House. A handful of troublemakers have effectively brought the House to a grinding halt!

It stands as a hollow shell of its former self.  



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