"All's Quiet (but unstable) On The Western Front"

Ho-Hum. . . another weekend in the Middle East and another chance to kill a few thousand innocent folks. In case you weren't aware, a life is worth about six bits over there. That's seventy-five cents, or roughly the price of one or two bullets for an AR-47.

The cost of shooting a citizen of Israel is cheap for these terrorists. Hamas gets financial aide and donated ammunition for killing Israelis from places like Iran and other Jewish-hating countries. The price of genocide of Jews is probably even in their national budget process. 

What's extremely horrifying is how they carry out their massacres. It seems very gratifying to the Hamas to grab an infant from its mother and decapitate it in front of her. They attacked a music festival of about 1,000 people and point-blank shot more than 360 of them. Many others were kidnapped and drug back across the border to the Hamas homeland as hostages.

This is a sick, evil, and deadly kind of people that we Americans have not faced on our homeland. . . yet!

Meanwhile, back in the land of milk and honey, power and money, we are watching the U.S. House of terrorism shut down the government and search for the best domestic terrorist to take over as Speaker.

"All's quiet (but unstable) on the western front!"



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