We are one big Keystone Kop movie lot. . .

The Keystone Kops of the U. S. House

The MAGA/Republican Party in charge of the United States House of Representatives is having a heck of a time getting anything done. It took them 15 ballots to elect Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House and it took his Party less than nine months to run him off. Rep. Matt Gaetz  - a shining star in the MAGA universe, but a dimwit everywhere else - was the one who committed the coup de gras to end McCarthy's Speakership. 

True to form, Gaetz and his own version of the Keystone Kops, didn't plan out their "ides of October" well at all. They should have had a Speaker in mind - and able to get the votes - before they started opening their switchblades.  The word "ides" is from an old Latin word meaning "divide," and that fits perfectly with a description of the MAGA/Republican Party in the U.S. House. 

With the Israel/Hamas war, the Russia/Ukraine invasion, no Speaker of the House in America, no vote on an Ambassador to Israel yet, no votes on hundreds of our military's promotions,  U.S. House in complete disarray, and America so divided. . .  we are in a hell of a mess. 

Yep, we have become one big Keystone Kop movie lot!


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