The Dysfunctional Duo. . .

 Jordan and Trump
Axis of Evil

Jim Jordan, possible new Speaker of the House, is a "dysfunctional Legislative Terrorist" according to several in his own Party. He is also capable of further weaponizing his friends on the far-right in the U.S. House. Further yet, there is a fear that he will once again enjoy an "Axis of Evil: with Donald Trump.

Rep. Jordan spoke at least twice to Donald Trump on Jan. 6th about things we are not allowed to know. He has ignored all subpoenas and even today he refused to answer a reporter on the question of whether the election was stolen from Trump. He has been a election denier since the electoral college proclaimed Biden the winner.

Jordan also was active in meetings with Trump and others as they strategized about how to overturn the election. He was considered by Trump to be an important legislative figure on the coup attempt of our Capitol.  There are many issues he was reportedly known to be involved in during the planning and implementation of the Jan. 6th coup.

To consider this man as next in line for the presidency behind the vice-president should make all of our blood run cold. He has been given very low marks by the majority of House members in his own Party and, in blunt terms,  has been severely criticized by the media in his home state.

Surely there is a way to bypass this man for such an important office in our government. 


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