The Meanderings of the Misfits are Biblical. . .

In the beginning, there was just Donald. . . and Donald was enough. But they kept coming. There was Graham and Cruz and Johnson and Jordan and Taylor-Greene and Boebert and Brooks and Gaetz and on and on.

All at once, the Grand Old Party of Republicans became the grotesque old party of MAGA/Republicans. They seem to have become a clump of bodies from different kinds of ideologies with different kinds of wants and needs. . .  and controlling demands.

The Donald - the Obi Wan Kabuki Actor - opened his book on the "Art of the Steal" and showed them how to cheat, lie, cook-the-books, and get away with everything! The MAGA maniacs learned well and learned quickly.  As a result, the MAGA Cult is riding hard into the sunset; oblivious to all of the road signs and warnings.

At approximately 4:45 EST, September 3, 2023, the U. S. House of Representatives was guided by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to hold a vote to kick Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) out of his job and onto the cold, wet pavement of Washington D.C. AND IT WAS MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Long live the Speaker; the Speaker is fired.

The ultimate CHAOS has been achieved. The relative handful of the "confused" has summoned the demons, opened Pandora's Box, and led their frightened and leaderless flock back into the cold, dangerous and dark desert of despair. 

Well done, good and faithful misfits.




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