Stevie is a winner - Jimmy is a loser

 Rep. Steve Scalise has won the U.S. House vote as nominee for the Speakership.  Now the head-banging begins. Remember the 15 votes to get wobbly Kevin McCarthy elected Speaker? Well, the same Freedumb Caucus members are voting again - and they wanted it to be Jimmy Jordan this time.  Jimmy thought he'd be a shoe-in, but Jimmy is kinda' short on friends. 

And, if Jimmy is at the bottom of the pile, Stevie is only two or three MAGA grunts up from there.

Jimmy can see Stevie reaching for the gavel. Stevie can see Jimmy watching him. Stevie is very happy. Jimmy is getting frustrated.

Jimmy is going to go drink some beer with Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert. Jimmy will feel better after awhile. 


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