As the Stable Genius Declines. . .

 From the Deep Recesses of His Cognitive Declined stable mind

As I watched this woman in the crowd holding up a sign and yelling that Kamala Harris was not very smart and I was a stable geniusitdawnedonmethatIamverysmartandIshouldtellthepeopleIam.Youknow,onetimeiwaslayingoutintheyardwatchingthecloudorsomethinglikeacloudthatkeptsailingthroughtheskyand driftingbyandIremindedmeofhoweasyietwouldbetoputsomebombsinthosecloudsandthenwaitforthemtodriftoverIranandthenwecoulddropthosebomgsbyremotecontrol. whereinthehellwasigoingwiththis?. . . 

We interrupt this speech by Mr. Trump to give him a chance to re-boot what's left of his mind and check his pulse rate. Trying to stay on track is a tough job for him right now. His imperfect mind wanders in and out of his mine field of wild and crazy conversations with himself.

Okay, I think he wants to continue speaking to the good people of Detroit. He has practiced this part

"The first word was "car."  Then, "tree."  Then "woman." Then the, the eighth word was "window." And the last word was "so what?"  No, that's two words. . . the last word was "Hannibal Lecter."  

No, wait. . . 


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