The Big Guy with the Fascist Lie. . .


Some folks find him a buffoon. Others find him the most dishonest man in the world. Still others find him a con man who lives outside of the law and against nearly every one of the Ten Commandments! (and there are a few who believes he has broken every one of them.)

According to one of his long-time friends, Trump believes "there is no real Truth with a capitol "T" - there is only Truth if you say it is truth!"

If I were to write the biography of Donald J. Trump, those words would make the first lines in the book. It is his analysis of "truth" that has fashioned his entire life and the way he sees himself and the entire world!

In his own mind, he sees himself bigger than life and subordinate to no man. He will put down any man who makes the mistake of correcting him. Trump finds anyone who disagrees with him as his opponent - and opponents are to be severely punished. He will ridicule and lie them in public in order to convince the public he is right. 

Tom Nichola, writer for The Atlantic has said that Trump believes if he loses again,  he is legally justified to "attack America. because it is impossible for him to lose a second time!

Since April 30,1789, when George Washington's inauguration in New York City, America has never had a presidential loser who refused to accept defeat. 
Donald Trump has done it in 2020 and if he loses again in 2024, he has promised the world that he will refuse again. We must face the possibility of another Jan. 6, 2021 Insurrection, coup attempt, deaths, injuries, damage to the Capitol building, and an attempt to overturn the election by using fake state  electorates.

We are heading down the road to hell in a hand basket and Donald J. Trump gave the push to get us going!


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