Thursday, September 30, 2021

Maybe ranking presidents is all in the eye of the beholder. . .

U. S. Presidents - Ranked by the Miller Center at the University of Virginia
and reported by CBS News

As of April 22, 2021, the following are the presidents ranked best to worst. And, it's official: Donald Trump is not going down in history as America's best president - or the worst. According to the very latest available survey of presidential historians, there are two presidents who delivered worse performance during their tenure in the White House. Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the only president to be impeached twice. In the survey, he received the lowest rank - 44th out of 44 - in the categories of integrity, intelligence, and overall ability. 

1 - George Washington
2 - Franklin D. Roosevelt
3 - Abraham Lincoln
4 - Theodore Roosevelt
5 - Thomas Jefferson
6 -  Dwight D. Eisenhower
7 - James Madison
8 - James Monroe
9 - Harry Truman
10 - John F. Kennedy
11 - Woodrow Wilson
12 - James Polk
13 - Ronald Reagan
14 - John Adams
15 - Bill Clinton
16  - Lyndon Johnson
17 - Barack Obama
18 - John Q. Adams
19 - Andrew Jackson
20 - William McKinley
21 - George H.W. Bush
22 - William H. Taft
23 - Grover Cleveland
24 - Ulysses S. Grant
25 - Martin Van Buren
26 - Jimmy Carter
27 - Gerald Ford
28 - James Garfield 
29 - Richard Nixon
30 - Zachary Taylor
31 - Calvin Coolidge
32 - Rutherford Hayes
33 - George W. Bush
34 - Chester Arthur
35 - Benjamin Harrison
36 - Herbert Hoover
37 - John Tyler
38 - Millard Fillmore
39 - William Harrison
40 - Franklin Pierce
41 - Warren Harding
42 - Donald Trump
43 - James Buchanan
44 - Andrew Johnson

You may agree or you may disagree. Presidential historians, however, have given us their rankings. They study each president's term of office with great detail. I don't know who we could better look to if not for these folks. 

Of course, biased politics could be at play for some of you. . . 

How About Tomorrow At 9 A.M.?


A violent uprising against an authority or government

January 6, 2021

A day that will live in infamy. Also, a day that will test whether we want to live in freedom or under the rule of domestic terrorists and the sound of their "master's voice" who sits in an elected office in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Many of these supposed "leaders" of the greatest nation on earth are, in fact, traitors! And we sit in ignorant bliss across the country while they bounce our rule of law, through a pretense of court dates, like the steel ball ricocheting off the rubber bumpers and pegs in a pinball machine. 

The "powers that be" smugly tell us they are dispensing justice for America. Over six hundred insurrectionists have been rounded up and charged with various crimes. Most have been given suspended sentences and sent home - to wait for "their master's voice" to direct them again!

It has been nearly nine months since the insurrection on our Capitol and not one member of the former president's inner circle nor any suspected congressional elected officials has been brought in for questioning. Worse, it may be months before any of them will be - if ever!

I am asking these legal monkeys just one question:  What is taking so long?

Let's say we start lining them up starting tomorrow at 9 a.m. for questioning. Clean everybody's calendars - time's a-wasting - we are at war, folks.

What can possibly be more important than getting to the bottom of a gang of traitors who were out to overturn our national election and destroy our democracy? Think about it: They actually tried to nullify our election results and give the presidency to the guy who lost! That was a hostile takeover of our government. What can anyone or anything in our Department of Justice have on their docket that is more important than that? Unless they are scheduled for critical surgery, they have no greater excuse than to stop the government and get the scoundrels of this coup attempt behind bars!

We all have been told that the wheels of justice turns slowly, but we were able to stop everything when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Well, America was attacked again on Jan. 6, 2021! So what's the big hold-up now?

But, here we are - nine months later and the traitors are still soliciting donor dollars for their re-election, voting on bills that will affect our futures, and raising hell in general.

The Jan. 6th attack was but the first of their planned take-over. They openly tell us they are just getting started at overturning elections in the future, and that's a fact!

And for everyone's information - we outnumber these cretins nearly 8 to 1. Why are we letting them get away with this?


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Shot and A Mask Is All We Ask. . .

Montana Gov. Gianforte
There's something about this guy that makes him look familiar

There are strange things done in the Montana sun
By political men, we're told;
Their political trails have secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;

The Legislative lights have cast strange sights,
But the strangest we ever did see
Was that night in the dark with nary a bark
The GOP bowed to "G"

Now Gov. "G" is a good GOP, 
Corruption is really his goal.
He cared not a whit for the ones Covid hit, 
Nor the women whose rights he stole.

The hospitals cried as their patients died,
But still no mandates from "G."
His Party was elated and soon celebrated,
while deaths kept mounting, you see.

To worsen the tasks, no vaccines or masks,
Our County Health Officials demoted.
They were forced to resign - to save peace of mind;
Like the GOP Legislators all  voted!

A lesson, my friend, to this bitter end,
Our health has been stymied by "G."
His aim is to win four more years, once again,
Our health would come later - you see!

by John Watson


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

He's Still In Our Midst - And Directing Domestic Terrorists. . .

Many people say I'm filled with hate and can't let go of the continued antics of the former president. Let me tell you the truth. The former president can't let go of us!

He's still grabbing headlines, spreading lies, and keeping the Congressional Members of the Republican Party in his pocket. Most of them are granted audiences with him at Mar-A-Lago and bow to his every demand. Whether the people of America think he is of no further importance to the GOP's politics is ridiculous. While he does not occupy the Oval Office, he is as ingrained in the Party as ever!  

Make no mistake - the former president has situated the Republican Party of Trump as an active and motivated domestic terrorism group. He has put the fear of God into any of them who are not loyal to him, and him alone. Even when President Nixon was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, he went home quietly. He didn't have the chutzpah to take the Party down with him, and he didn't convince 60+% of the Grand Old Party to believe his big lies.

This former president is still the reigning grand Kraken of the bulk of the Republicans who answered a poll asking if they would vote for him again.  Republicans can no longer look the other way. They have tied their star to "the only one" and they - out of great fear - will not desert him now!

So, if you are of the Republican persuasion, you have a lot of work ahead of you. If you can find a way to remove the former president's grip on your Party, it would be beneficial to our nation - and the sooner the better. 

Do it - if not for yourself, do it for your country. 


Monday, September 27, 2021

The Republican's Diabolical Scheme To Win Elections. . .

 Their Plan Is Pure Evil!

The Extreme Republican Party of Trump is very much alive and still plotting their return to full and complete power. It has never been about the 2020 election. It is about the elections in America's future. By pushing the "Big Lie," they have instilled distrust in our election system, and they will attempt to carry that out in future elections. Further, they know voter fraud is a moot point, but they have convinced their followers it is to be believed.

They have - by irresponsibly misusing the 2020 election results - strayed into the world of the occult and are scheming to upend as many future elections as possible.  The soft and squishy minds of their supporters are now programmed to shout "stop the steal"  as soon as their opponent's candidate is declared the winner. They will bark at the moon and storm the streets until pandemonium rules the nights. The Republican-controlled states have situated key loyalists into the offices of Election Officials. Lost elections will mysteriously be overturned and their state will have the power to award the win to the Republican.

The mind control of delirious fans of the Party has been cast and the stage has been set for the take-over of the ballot results. As the plot thickens, the actual vote will be overturned by each of their states and will completely negate a need to count the Electoral College. In other words, "the fix will be in."

This scenario is not a pipe dream. It is the actual scheme as devised by the former president and will be carried out by the current radical Republican Party. Together, they have openly admitted that without voter suppression laws and rigged state ballot counting, the Republican Party would never win another election.

The question now is simple:  What is America going to do about it?

In the opinion of many, there is only one answer. We must call on our Department of Justice to shore up our democracy. If the Republican Party is to carry out this madness, it will be the absolute end of our democracy! 

The former president and "his" (minority) cult members of the Republican Party cannot be allowed to succeed in this treasonist enterprise. Many strong-minded people in the former Grand Old Party have left the Party and are speaking out against the "new horde." They are called "The Lincoln Project." Others have simply left the GOP and are fighting for the return of the Party they remember.

The "new" Republicans are few, but they are loud, dishonest, and ambitious!

Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely! 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Turn Out The Lights, The "Party" Is Over. . .

"Big Lie" 
Can Finally Die 

Now that the Arizona Tent Show is over, can we just dig a hole and dump in the "Big Lie" for all eternity? Can we just pretend he never started it? Can the Grand Old Party of Trump finally get him off of their backs and get their freakin' stuff together again?

The "Big Lie" was as phony as a three-dollar bill in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Montana. If the Republicans want to move the Cyber Ninjas into those states they'll find the same thing.  It was just that, a big lie! A big Trump lie - perpetuated by him and his goons and sold to his base of supporters by the truckload. His donors poured cash into his coffer like it was gong out of style - which kept the lie going.

The big losers in this catastrophe are the Republican and the United States of America! Our democracy is ragged and thread-bare, also. 

We must, however, keep one very important thing in mind through all of this: He could not have done it alone!  He needed the Republican Party to carry his water. He needed the brainless attorneys at his beck and call to fight those trying to lift up the truth.  And, he needed the right-wing zombie's across the country to keep the other three-quarters of America lathered up and on the edge of their wits!

When all of this is over, America will need a good hot shower, back scrub, and deep disinfection of that infestation of lies that have plagued us for nearly five years! It would be nice if a 98% effective vaccination could be found, too.  I am convinced America could not survive another "Big Lie" fiasco such as this one!

Remember, only we can stop lies from bringing our country to its knees!


Friday, September 24, 2021

There are consequences to Arizona's GOP madness. . .

Maricopa County, Arizona will go down is history as the Republican's Waterloo moment. 

After months and months of idiotic auditing, the Cyber Ninja and his minions concluded that Biden, indeed, had won the state. As a matter of fact, he had 99 more votes that originally stated, and Trump received 261 less votes than originally stated.

Ever since the huge hall was filled with little ninjas going through their crazy gyrations, there has been clownish drivel leaked to the media about how Trump was about to be declared the winner in Arizona. 

Today, the "kind of, almost, nearly" final results have been embarrassingly leaked to the media. As expected, the Arizona Legislative Republicans are making themselves as scarce as hen's teeth. 

But, the entire charade has served its purpose. The circus has brought in millions and millions of dollars to various Republican coffers - especially Trump's - and kept his base of crazies fired up in hopes of the return of "the one."

Perhaps the biggest "positive" for Republicans is the fact that this clown show has imprinted all future elections in Arizona and across the country as "probably fraud in all elections." And they're making plans to work that in their favor, too!

The nation had to endure the kabuki theatre of this side show for much too long. It did nothing more than keep our nerves on edge and the corpse of our democracy still-quivering in the gutter.

To add insult to injury, Arizona state officials have declared all election machinery used in the 2020 election to be discarded and never to be used again.  They have all been tainted from the "audit" of the unqualified, insane, GOP-controlled Cyber Ninja and his nincompoop warriors!  Arizona will need to ask their taxpayers to come up with millions of dollars for all new equipment.

Yes, Arizona Trumpsters, there are consequences to your madness! 


Thursday, September 23, 2021

The unvaccinated are decimating our health care workforce. . .

They refuse to wear a mask. They refuse to get a Covid shot. They refuse to shut their mouth long enough to listen to reason. And they refuse to consider what all of their refusing has done to our hospital medical staffs.

These Cretans do not understand that their rights end where our rights begin. They can scream and holler 'til the cows come home, but in the end they do not have the right to spread their germs and sicken or kill the rest of us.

It will become a glorious karma-fulfilling prophecy and I'm sure an unpleasant catch-22 when these "unvaxxers" realize that the health care workers they drove from their jobs may not be there to hold their hands in their final days. 

Paul the Apostle wrote to the Galatians, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." 

What we are asking of our hospital workers is insane. The long hours and suiting up with unbearable protective equipment they must wear every minute of their work days and nights is not enough. In most cases, they may be the only person that patient will see until the end. Then, they will hold that hand until the last breath is taken.

This is so unnecessary. It does not have to happen this way. We see and hear countless pleas from people in their final moments for everyone to get the shot! Some, who realize how terminal they are, beg for the vaccination. By then, however, it is much too late. They tell us how stupid they were to listen to the right-wing liars. They drank the Kool-Aid and swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker.

This is 2021 in America! We have always been a nation that looks out for neighbors.  Where did this insane right-wing terror come from? How can we treat our fellow citizens this way? Where did this warped form of domestic terrorism come from? 

And now their stupidity is doing double duty. They are decimating our health care workforce! 

And to be more factual - they are decimating their health care workforce, too!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Traitors All. . .

The Democrats are battling over raising the debt ceiling, passing the infrastructure bill, and contemplating whether to kill the filibuster rule. At the same time, the Republican Party of Trump is trying to kill our democracy. That's like the Democrats rearranging the deck chairs on the RMS Titanic about thirty minutes after it started its fatal dive to the bottom.

What in the hell is going on here?  As Democrats, we are frozen in time and watching traitorous Republicans as they still try to overturn the 2020 presidential election. There is now proof that the former president's legal - and mindless - characters concocted a six-step plan for the former vice-president to declare the Electoral College's results fraudulent and declare the then-president the winner for another four years.  They were fully aware that the plan was completely unlawful and smacked of treason from beginning to end. It was a coup of gigantic and catastrophic proportions, perpetuated by traitors of the Republican Party. 

Worse yet, the traitors are still working their plan.  They refuse to admit their candidate lost the election! The Congressional Republicans attack any issue that comes before them. They show a diabolical intolerance to anything and anyone who is not "with them."  They have drawn their line in the sand and refuse to accept our constitution and our democracy!

Our democracy is hanging by a thread. On April 12, 1861, the United States of America entered its Civil War.  By comparison, we are about April 5th - one week away from all out war!

So how important is it to sit in committee rooms and argue about Democrat Progressives and Moderates, child care and women's rights, or which Democrat Senator will vote against our infrastructure bill - all while our democracy is slipping out of sight?  We are just rearranging the deck chairs, again - in pointlessness and uselessness!

Our Department of Justice must move this coup attempt to the front burner and get it resolved now. We have traitors who are turning  our constitution on its head and thumbing their noses at the rest of us.  What could the Department be working on that is more important than this?

If this goes unprosecuted and forgotten, one day soon there will be no such thing as a traitor in America, and the current criminals will be on to further assaults on our nation!


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Montana Voters shoved aside once again. . .

Montana members of the People's Power League plan to pound the pavement to collect signatures to get an initiative on the ballot and make sure voters can decide if a nuclear power plant gets built in Montana.

For them, it's deja vu all over again, having put Initiative 80, the Nuclear Vote Initiative of 1978, on the ballot four decades ago. In the next six months, the group will need to collect 30,000 signatures if the effort is to move ahead.

Because of HB 273, the people's desire doesn't count and the new law says that a nuclear power plant will be decided by the legislature.

"We're all too old for this, probably, but they're willing to get out there and do it again," said Carole Mackin of the People's Power League.

In the 2021 legislative session, lawmakers approved House Bill 273, which repealed provisions of the Nuclear Vote Initiative and took nuclear projects out of the Major Facility Siting Act. Gov. Greg Gianforte signed the bill and it took immediate effect.

"In my opinion, an initiative passed by 65% of Montana voters deserved to be reevaluated by Montana voters again and not just trashed by this 2021 legislature," Mackin said in a statement.

The HB 273 was bulldozed through in typical 2021 Republican fashion and they didn't give a whit of concern for the people of Montana. The people voted it down four decades ago and they deserve to be heard again. That isn't how these Republicans see things, however.  Whatever popped into their little pointy heads and sounded good to them was passed, put under the governor's nose, and quickly signed into law.

It's worth pointing out that several other insane Republican laws are being fought in the courts this year. They steamrolled their warped right-wing ideas with little concern for you and me!

Carole Mackin noted, "There was no need to pick a fight with the Montana voters. The law already contains an exception for nuclear facilities of less than 50 megawatts. A thorem reactor could be scaled back to 49 megawatts. Right now, a 60 megawatt is on the drawing board. If this exception is repealed, as HB 272 will do, any small nuclear reactor no matter how small will undergo full scrutiny of the Major Facility Siting Act."

Opinion by John Watson

Monday, September 20, 2021

Democracy Is Our Middle Name. . .

So you think he is gone, huh?

Don't let anyone try to tell you that our problem is politics. There was a time, back in the day, when political differences were the bane of our existence, but not today.  We are far beyond that. 

The problem that separates us now is "Save Democracy" or "Kill Democracy."  It definitely has nothing whatsoever to do with politics. It does, however, separate us into the same two tribes as before, but the important thing to remember is this: "one Party is not at all like the other one."

And that "one Party" is full of rage and they have claimed the former president as the "second coming." They have divorced themselves from the Grand Old Party and are running head-long into the tall weeds of oblivion.

While many Republicans try to scrub the stench of the former president from their Party and convince everyone he is gone, the truth is - he isn't.  He still throws his loyalists into primary races across the country in hopes they will win over "regular" GOP incumbents who has spoken out against hem.  It was reported today that he is even looking for someone to run against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. 

The former president is far from being history in the Republican Party.  With the exception of the ten Republican House members who voted to impeach him, nearly all GOP officeholders look to him before they take a step. In other words, their fear of him has no bounds.  He has shown that any fellow member who cross him will pay with their political future!

That, in a nut shell, describes the frightening new Party of Republicanism. They have finally thrown down the gauntlet and declared themselves the modern day version of a far-right, authoritarian mob that is characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of the opposition, and strong regimentation of society, described as fascism!

Those of you who may think fascism is too harsh of a description need to consider the current actions they have undertaken:  Voter suppression across the country, a banning of Covid mask and vaccination mandates in many states, ultra-severe bans on abortions, ridiculous auditing of the 2020 election in hopes of overturning the presidential election, and the insurrection on our Capitol building, the people inside, and the law enforcement people who tried to fight them off.

America's fight is no longer with the Grand Old Party. Our fight is for our democracy, and those we are fighting who are determined to take it from us. Don't take my word for it. Do your own research. Learn what is happening today in our country. Get informed . . . and then get involved!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Definitely not Montana's Finest Hour. . .

Montana Hospitals Are Overflowing 
With Covid Patients

Gee, thanks, Governor...your plan is working just fine.  Our hospitals are bulging with many unvaccinated, hard-headed, freedom-loving, liberal-hating Republicans, but you still have your voting base with you and the Montana businesses are going gangbusters. What more could you want?  Other than Montanans getting terribly sick and bodies stacking up in morgues, you and the Montana Republican Legislature must be high-fiving and celebrating the good life!

We'll rename Montana "North Texas" and rework the phrase "The Last Best Place" to "The Last Worst Place."

How in the hell are we allowing this to happen?  Under what rock did we let these cretins crawl out from under and sell this idea that we'll just let people get sick and die in order to keep a horde of Republicans happy? 

Does the governor, attorney general, and other Republican members of the state legislature have a plan to pull the plug on their grand scheme after a certain number of Montanans are dead, or are they willing to ride it out to the "last man?"

As Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke used to say, "Partner, there are some things we just can't ride around" and this has to be one of them.  How can Montana let a gaggle of GOPers cause this much death and destruction?  

Montana's hospital crisis was featured on CNN this morning. We are now in the bad company of Idaho, Texas, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and others. 

There is one glaring detail about those states that I'm sure you've noticed. The death-defying Republicans are running each one of them into the ground. . .




Thursday, September 16, 2021

Stop those who are causing the hate!


"There is no place for hate 
in America!"

That seems to be the fashionable thing to say these days. It is as if we look with outrage at anyone who has a little wooden soap box under their arm and looking for a place to express their hate. After all, we are the "Keepers of the Quiet" and we will pounce with all four feet on anyone who spews words of hate! It must be written somewhere that anyone who hates is evil and will be roasted in the bowels of hell, while those who cause the hate - not so much.

However, to contemplate that thing which the haters hate, well, that is another kettle of fish. The "Keepers of the Quiet" would prefer not to visit that embarrassing conundrum. Their reasons for causing hate are - as they say in Texas - "none of yer damn bid-ness!"

You see, if one would hate White Supremacists for trying to overthrow our belief that all men are created equal, that would mean a White Supremacist would have to explain their justification for such a thought. It would be much easier to just point a finger at the hater and be done with it.

If one would hate voter suppressionists for passing laws to block people from their right to vote, that would mean the suppressionists would have to explain their justification for such a thought.

If one would hate those who helped plan and/or join in an insurrection on our nation's Capitol in order to overturn an election, that would mean the guilty would have to explain their justification for such a deed.

For everyone who hates, there is a reason. 

Perhaps some of those reasons are not valid.  But, once the facts come out and the guilt is proven, there is a time to turn our attention from the haters to the reason for the hate.

And, as Shakespeare's Hamlet said, "Aye, there is the rub!"

Don't start screaming for the hating to stop until you stop the reason for the hate.  The ball is in the court of those who are causing all of the hate. . . not the haters!

And as the Italians would say, "Capiche?"


Saturday, September 11, 2021

I am allowed to hate. . .

Hate:  A Feeling of intense or passionate dislike 
for someone or something

There are those who honestly deserve my hate. They are the ones who have brought this nation to its knees. They have announced in no uncertain terms that America's democracy is no longer to their liking. Our demands for equality to all is too unyielding for their white male conservative views:  Immigrants are bad. People of color are bad. Aid for the less fortunate is bad. Freedom to vote is bad. A woman's right to choose how to handle her own body is bad.

Yes, I am filled with hate. I have hate for Republicans who worked to overturn our presidential election on January 6, 2021. I have hate for the Republican-controlled states that passed insane laws to stop people from voting. I have hate for Texas Republicans who ignored a forty-eight-year-old Roe vs. Wade decision on abortion and passed the most ridiculous anti-abortion law ever signed by a governor. I have hate for state Republicans who have fought tooth-and-nail against mandates to wear masks and get Covid-19 vaccinations. I have hate for Republicans who have designed state laws that replace election officials with those who are loyal to their needs. It will make a "lost election" more easily overturned and given to their candidate. I have hate for Republicans who believe they can pick and chose which 244-year-old "rights" they will accept and which ones they will ignore. I have hate for Republicans who have joined forces with domestic terrorists in order to subvert our democracy.  I have hate for Republicans who have openly stated they want to toss out our democracy and form an authoritarian rule of "government." I have hate for Republicans who knowingly lie to Americans about critical issues.

Is it not within my right to hate someone who is determined to bring this nation I love to an end by their lying tongue or a heart that devises wicked schemes?  

"There are seven things that the Lord hates: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."  Proverbs 6

There have been examples of hate since time began.  Good people have had their hearts filled with hate when someone or something attempted to take control of their nation. 

As we argue, there is abundant proof of how a political party is attempting to take control of my country. . . and because of that I am allowed to hate.

If anyone wants me to stop my hate - stop that which makes me hate.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Trump Ties, the Big Lies, the Radicalized. . .

Lindsey Olin Graham is a lawyer and politician serving as the senior U.S. senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party. He is 66 years old. He graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1981.

His net worth is estimated at  $3 million, but many believe it is much higher. His salary as U.S. Senator is $174,000 a year. This odd happening is common among most our our congressional people - on both sides of the aisle.

Sen. Graham recently said, "The United States will be going back into Afghanistan" in an interview with a BBC reporter. The reporter looked stunned when Graham made the statement that America would reinvade Afghanistan again. Graham said, "We'll have to because the terror threat will be so large."

More incredible words from Graham are on the subject of his idol, the former president, and the "Big Lie" that has tied this nation into knots. The senator praised Trump and agreed that there must have been devious workings in the 2020 election. Later, he made a grand speech from the Senate floor that he was through with his notion that Trump was an honorable man. He had "washed his hands of the mess." 

However, shortly after the former president "retired" to Mar-A-Lago, the senator began making pilgrimages to have audiences with Trump.  Golf outings and splendid lunches seemed to hint at a renewed relationship.  Perhaps Trump's casual mention of his desire to run again in 2024 had something to do with it. Perhaps Graham saw his senate future brightening a bit. 

Graham's phone records between he and Trump seem to be of great importance to the Jan. 6th Committee.  They are likely to be subpoenaed.  The plot thickens!

This senator is still living in the world of the "Big Lie" and the return of the former president to "his rightful chair in the Oval Office.

We cannot trust such a man who holds such a seat of importance in the United States Senate.

He's retirement age - let's nudge him in that direction. Maybe a little boost from the Jan. 6th Committee will help!

We just have to make a clean sweep of those who are still promoting the "Big Lie!"


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Bold, the Cold, the Radicalized. . .

 Know your Troublemakers. . . 

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a Republican politician and a flaming far-right conspiracy theorist who serves as a representative for the United States House for Georgia's 14th congressional district. She is 47 years old and a new member of the House. She graduated from the University of Georgia in 1996.  

Rep. Taylor-Green has reportedly said, "any telecommunication company that hands over Republican phone data to the commission handling the January 6 Capitol insurrection would be shut down," according to multiple sources.  She was, of course, echoing what her House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had also said.

She said, "If members of Congress can have their personal cellphone data exposed...just to hurt us politically in the next election, then we are going into a dangerous place in this country."

Evidently, Taylor-Greene doesn't believe the Committee - and America - have a right to know the corrupt workings of treasonist House members. In other words, these traitors should be allowed to work in the dark as they plot to overthrow our democracy!

Taylor-Greene has been heavily involved with the nefarious horde called QAnon. She has had her own conspiracy theories, as well. She is a highly visible thorn in the side of our congressional decorum and has had her committee assignments stripped from her.

This lady has been trouble for America and the United States House of Representatives since she arrived. She has overtly gone out of her way to throw our government into a tail spin. She has tried to make a national tour with another congressional twit named Matt Gaetz, but their corruption and lies were quickly noticed and future cities began cancelling their "show."

We need to get this one out of office - pronto!  By becoming a House member from Georgia, she failed to notice she was also a voice and action for all of America

Instead, she decided to be just a voice and action for Marjorie Taylor-Greene!  There are places for people like that.

But, as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives 
shouldn't be one of them! 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Young, The Dumb, and The Radicalized . . .

Know your Troublemakers. . .

David Madison Cawthorn is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for North Carolina's 11th congressional district. A member of the Republican Party, Cawthorn was elected to Congress in 2020. He is the youngest member of Congress and the first born in the 1990s.  He is 26 years old and doesn't know his buttock from a hole in the ground.  

He was injured in a car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. It is reported that he survived high school with mostly Ds. Someone managed to get Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff and former radical House member, to nominate him for entrance into the Naval Academy.  Cawthorn claims the accident kept him from going, but that was a campaign lie since the accident happened after he was turned down by the Academy. Source: Wikipedia  

He is best known for his recent "crazy and immature" remarks about the Capitol Insurrections. He said they were "normal people who  were kind  of wandering in."

He also made the asinine statement that if Republicans lost another election, "there would be bloodshed."

This youngster may be North Carolina's problem, but when anyone becomes a member of the House of Representatives, they become a voice for America. What they say and what they do is a reflection on all of us! We need to remember that and immediately weed out the bad choices their states sent to become our "law makers." This "kid" has never held a real job and thinks he is now qualified to sit at the seat of power.

Some states insist on sending these radical losers to govern our nation. They irritate and deface the historical decorum of our Capitol. They know nothing of the trust that has been given to them. 

Like an undersized fish that was accidentally caught, we need to throw him back, too!

Watch here as we feature more such troublemakers.


Friday, September 3, 2021

America, we aren't going to make it, are we?

                                                              For Whom The Bell Tolls 
                                                             by John Donne

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
Apart of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
  For whom the bell tolls,
                                             It tolls for thee.

A conscience is that inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

Conscience. Sadly, somewhere along the way, America has either forgotten to activate it or has intentionally decided to lose it.  We can sum up the totality of our losses this way: 

We are a nation of mindless and selfish bullies. We have chucked our constitution under the bridge and allowed the river to carry it out to sea.  We are men of our own instincts and believe we know well of how to govern ourselves. These pages set down by our founders of rights and laws were meant for men of two hundred years ago.  We are men of now and we need rights and laws of now. We feel the need to rearrange our priorities: Power first, money second, status third, and caring for our fellow man is far down the list. We have outgrown this thing called democracy! Our need todays are much more less complicated. We are a nation of people who have the God-given right to sink or swim according to the fitness of each. Survival is a personal choice. A government cannot spend the resources of its citizens to help those who were born of a lesser status. 

This appears to be the thinking of Republicans who represent 26% of all registered voters.  Democrats represent 27% of all registered voters and 43% of all registered voters say they are Independents. This breakdown was as of November 2021. 

So how did a mere 26% of Americans commit mutiny on the ship of state and corruptly take control of the helm?  A probably answer is found in the "radical right" who were elected to our U.S. House and Senate and have found the mighty bullhorn of most of our media coverage.  They, and their former president, have full control of the bully pulpit and have loosed the hounds of hell!  They have awakened the many forms of domestic terrorism and have promised them front row seats to the demolition of the "greatest show on earth" - The United States of America!

Yes, America, we most likely aren't going to make it.

We have let them drag us too far down this path. That angry mob has begun the dismantling of our constitution. They have focused on how to win state and federal offices that they won't really win. They have passed laws to take complete control of our election process. It will become evident in future elections that when they lose, they will still win.

Those twenty-six percenters are throwing their weight - and threats - around like 900-pound gorillas. Of course, added to those 26% are the terrorists. Most of them have probably never figured into the political breakdowns because we can assume most of them have never voted or even registered to vote. But you can bet since the former president gave them visibility, they will be voting now!

Some things they have done cannot be undone.  It will be like trying to unring the bell. Once they have seen the power of domestic terrorists, there is no turning back.

It will take another civil war to make things right again.

So, for whom does the bell toll?

It tolls for thee, my tolls for thee - and me.