The Republican's Diabolical Scheme To Win Elections. . .

 Their Plan Is Pure Evil!

The Extreme Republican Party of Trump is very much alive and still plotting their return to full and complete power. It has never been about the 2020 election. It is about the elections in America's future. By pushing the "Big Lie," they have instilled distrust in our election system, and they will attempt to carry that out in future elections. Further, they know voter fraud is a moot point, but they have convinced their followers it is to be believed.

They have - by irresponsibly misusing the 2020 election results - strayed into the world of the occult and are scheming to upend as many future elections as possible.  The soft and squishy minds of their supporters are now programmed to shout "stop the steal"  as soon as their opponent's candidate is declared the winner. They will bark at the moon and storm the streets until pandemonium rules the nights. The Republican-controlled states have situated key loyalists into the offices of Election Officials. Lost elections will mysteriously be overturned and their state will have the power to award the win to the Republican.

The mind control of delirious fans of the Party has been cast and the stage has been set for the take-over of the ballot results. As the plot thickens, the actual vote will be overturned by each of their states and will completely negate a need to count the Electoral College. In other words, "the fix will be in."

This scenario is not a pipe dream. It is the actual scheme as devised by the former president and will be carried out by the current radical Republican Party. Together, they have openly admitted that without voter suppression laws and rigged state ballot counting, the Republican Party would never win another election.

The question now is simple:  What is America going to do about it?

In the opinion of many, there is only one answer. We must call on our Department of Justice to shore up our democracy. If the Republican Party is to carry out this madness, it will be the absolute end of our democracy! 

The former president and "his" (minority) cult members of the Republican Party cannot be allowed to succeed in this treasonist enterprise. Many strong-minded people in the former Grand Old Party have left the Party and are speaking out against the "new horde." They are called "The Lincoln Project." Others have simply left the GOP and are fighting for the return of the Party they remember.

The "new" Republicans are few, but they are loud, dishonest, and ambitious!

Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely! 


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