Friday, September 3, 2021

America, we aren't going to make it, are we?

                                                              For Whom The Bell Tolls 
                                                             by John Donne

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
Apart of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
  For whom the bell tolls,
                                             It tolls for thee.

A conscience is that inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

Conscience. Sadly, somewhere along the way, America has either forgotten to activate it or has intentionally decided to lose it.  We can sum up the totality of our losses this way: 

We are a nation of mindless and selfish bullies. We have chucked our constitution under the bridge and allowed the river to carry it out to sea.  We are men of our own instincts and believe we know well of how to govern ourselves. These pages set down by our founders of rights and laws were meant for men of two hundred years ago.  We are men of now and we need rights and laws of now. We feel the need to rearrange our priorities: Power first, money second, status third, and caring for our fellow man is far down the list. We have outgrown this thing called democracy! Our need todays are much more less complicated. We are a nation of people who have the God-given right to sink or swim according to the fitness of each. Survival is a personal choice. A government cannot spend the resources of its citizens to help those who were born of a lesser status. 

This appears to be the thinking of Republicans who represent 26% of all registered voters.  Democrats represent 27% of all registered voters and 43% of all registered voters say they are Independents. This breakdown was as of November 2021. 

So how did a mere 26% of Americans commit mutiny on the ship of state and corruptly take control of the helm?  A probably answer is found in the "radical right" who were elected to our U.S. House and Senate and have found the mighty bullhorn of most of our media coverage.  They, and their former president, have full control of the bully pulpit and have loosed the hounds of hell!  They have awakened the many forms of domestic terrorism and have promised them front row seats to the demolition of the "greatest show on earth" - The United States of America!

Yes, America, we most likely aren't going to make it.

We have let them drag us too far down this path. That angry mob has begun the dismantling of our constitution. They have focused on how to win state and federal offices that they won't really win. They have passed laws to take complete control of our election process. It will become evident in future elections that when they lose, they will still win.

Those twenty-six percenters are throwing their weight - and threats - around like 900-pound gorillas. Of course, added to those 26% are the terrorists. Most of them have probably never figured into the political breakdowns because we can assume most of them have never voted or even registered to vote. But you can bet since the former president gave them visibility, they will be voting now!

Some things they have done cannot be undone.  It will be like trying to unring the bell. Once they have seen the power of domestic terrorists, there is no turning back.

It will take another civil war to make things right again.

So, for whom does the bell toll?

It tolls for thee, my tolls for thee - and me.

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