There are consequences to Arizona's GOP madness. . .

Maricopa County, Arizona will go down is history as the Republican's Waterloo moment. 

After months and months of idiotic auditing, the Cyber Ninja and his minions concluded that Biden, indeed, had won the state. As a matter of fact, he had 99 more votes that originally stated, and Trump received 261 less votes than originally stated.

Ever since the huge hall was filled with little ninjas going through their crazy gyrations, there has been clownish drivel leaked to the media about how Trump was about to be declared the winner in Arizona. 

Today, the "kind of, almost, nearly" final results have been embarrassingly leaked to the media. As expected, the Arizona Legislative Republicans are making themselves as scarce as hen's teeth. 

But, the entire charade has served its purpose. The circus has brought in millions and millions of dollars to various Republican coffers - especially Trump's - and kept his base of crazies fired up in hopes of the return of "the one."

Perhaps the biggest "positive" for Republicans is the fact that this clown show has imprinted all future elections in Arizona and across the country as "probably fraud in all elections." And they're making plans to work that in their favor, too!

The nation had to endure the kabuki theatre of this side show for much too long. It did nothing more than keep our nerves on edge and the corpse of our democracy still-quivering in the gutter.

To add insult to injury, Arizona state officials have declared all election machinery used in the 2020 election to be discarded and never to be used again.  They have all been tainted from the "audit" of the unqualified, insane, GOP-controlled Cyber Ninja and his nincompoop warriors!  Arizona will need to ask their taxpayers to come up with millions of dollars for all new equipment.

Yes, Arizona Trumpsters, there are consequences to your madness! 



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