Traitors All. . .

The Democrats are battling over raising the debt ceiling, passing the infrastructure bill, and contemplating whether to kill the filibuster rule. At the same time, the Republican Party of Trump is trying to kill our democracy. That's like the Democrats rearranging the deck chairs on the RMS Titanic about thirty minutes after it started its fatal dive to the bottom.

What in the hell is going on here?  As Democrats, we are frozen in time and watching traitorous Republicans as they still try to overturn the 2020 presidential election. There is now proof that the former president's legal - and mindless - characters concocted a six-step plan for the former vice-president to declare the Electoral College's results fraudulent and declare the then-president the winner for another four years.  They were fully aware that the plan was completely unlawful and smacked of treason from beginning to end. It was a coup of gigantic and catastrophic proportions, perpetuated by traitors of the Republican Party. 

Worse yet, the traitors are still working their plan.  They refuse to admit their candidate lost the election! The Congressional Republicans attack any issue that comes before them. They show a diabolical intolerance to anything and anyone who is not "with them."  They have drawn their line in the sand and refuse to accept our constitution and our democracy!

Our democracy is hanging by a thread. On April 12, 1861, the United States of America entered its Civil War.  By comparison, we are about April 5th - one week away from all out war!

So how important is it to sit in committee rooms and argue about Democrat Progressives and Moderates, child care and women's rights, or which Democrat Senator will vote against our infrastructure bill - all while our democracy is slipping out of sight?  We are just rearranging the deck chairs, again - in pointlessness and uselessness!

Our Department of Justice must move this coup attempt to the front burner and get it resolved now. We have traitors who are turning  our constitution on its head and thumbing their noses at the rest of us.  What could the Department be working on that is more important than this?

If this goes unprosecuted and forgotten, one day soon there will be no such thing as a traitor in America, and the current criminals will be on to further assaults on our nation!



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