Thursday, September 23, 2021

The unvaccinated are decimating our health care workforce. . .

They refuse to wear a mask. They refuse to get a Covid shot. They refuse to shut their mouth long enough to listen to reason. And they refuse to consider what all of their refusing has done to our hospital medical staffs.

These Cretans do not understand that their rights end where our rights begin. They can scream and holler 'til the cows come home, but in the end they do not have the right to spread their germs and sicken or kill the rest of us.

It will become a glorious karma-fulfilling prophecy and I'm sure an unpleasant catch-22 when these "unvaxxers" realize that the health care workers they drove from their jobs may not be there to hold their hands in their final days. 

Paul the Apostle wrote to the Galatians, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." 

What we are asking of our hospital workers is insane. The long hours and suiting up with unbearable protective equipment they must wear every minute of their work days and nights is not enough. In most cases, they may be the only person that patient will see until the end. Then, they will hold that hand until the last breath is taken.

This is so unnecessary. It does not have to happen this way. We see and hear countless pleas from people in their final moments for everyone to get the shot! Some, who realize how terminal they are, beg for the vaccination. By then, however, it is much too late. They tell us how stupid they were to listen to the right-wing liars. They drank the Kool-Aid and swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker.

This is 2021 in America! We have always been a nation that looks out for neighbors.  Where did this insane right-wing terror come from? How can we treat our fellow citizens this way? Where did this warped form of domestic terrorism come from? 

And now their stupidity is doing double duty. They are decimating our health care workforce! 

And to be more factual - they are decimating their health care workforce, too!

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