Definitely not Montana's Finest Hour. . .

Montana Hospitals Are Overflowing 
With Covid Patients

Gee, thanks, Governor...your plan is working just fine.  Our hospitals are bulging with many unvaccinated, hard-headed, freedom-loving, liberal-hating Republicans, but you still have your voting base with you and the Montana businesses are going gangbusters. What more could you want?  Other than Montanans getting terribly sick and bodies stacking up in morgues, you and the Montana Republican Legislature must be high-fiving and celebrating the good life!

We'll rename Montana "North Texas" and rework the phrase "The Last Best Place" to "The Last Worst Place."

How in the hell are we allowing this to happen?  Under what rock did we let these cretins crawl out from under and sell this idea that we'll just let people get sick and die in order to keep a horde of Republicans happy? 

Does the governor, attorney general, and other Republican members of the state legislature have a plan to pull the plug on their grand scheme after a certain number of Montanans are dead, or are they willing to ride it out to the "last man?"

As Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke used to say, "Partner, there are some things we just can't ride around" and this has to be one of them.  How can Montana let a gaggle of GOPers cause this much death and destruction?  

Montana's hospital crisis was featured on CNN this morning. We are now in the bad company of Idaho, Texas, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and others. 

There is one glaring detail about those states that I'm sure you've noticed. The death-defying Republicans are running each one of them into the ground. . .





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