Stop those who are causing the hate!


"There is no place for hate 
in America!"

That seems to be the fashionable thing to say these days. It is as if we look with outrage at anyone who has a little wooden soap box under their arm and looking for a place to express their hate. After all, we are the "Keepers of the Quiet" and we will pounce with all four feet on anyone who spews words of hate! It must be written somewhere that anyone who hates is evil and will be roasted in the bowels of hell, while those who cause the hate - not so much.

However, to contemplate that thing which the haters hate, well, that is another kettle of fish. The "Keepers of the Quiet" would prefer not to visit that embarrassing conundrum. Their reasons for causing hate are - as they say in Texas - "none of yer damn bid-ness!"

You see, if one would hate White Supremacists for trying to overthrow our belief that all men are created equal, that would mean a White Supremacist would have to explain their justification for such a thought. It would be much easier to just point a finger at the hater and be done with it.

If one would hate voter suppressionists for passing laws to block people from their right to vote, that would mean the suppressionists would have to explain their justification for such a thought.

If one would hate those who helped plan and/or join in an insurrection on our nation's Capitol in order to overturn an election, that would mean the guilty would have to explain their justification for such a deed.

For everyone who hates, there is a reason. 

Perhaps some of those reasons are not valid.  But, once the facts come out and the guilt is proven, there is a time to turn our attention from the haters to the reason for the hate.

And, as Shakespeare's Hamlet said, "Aye, there is the rub!"

Don't start screaming for the hating to stop until you stop the reason for the hate.  The ball is in the court of those who are causing all of the hate. . . not the haters!

And as the Italians would say, "Capiche?"



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