The Trump Ties, the Big Lies, the Radicalized. . .

Lindsey Olin Graham is a lawyer and politician serving as the senior U.S. senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party. He is 66 years old. He graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1981.

His net worth is estimated at  $3 million, but many believe it is much higher. His salary as U.S. Senator is $174,000 a year. This odd happening is common among most our our congressional people - on both sides of the aisle.

Sen. Graham recently said, "The United States will be going back into Afghanistan" in an interview with a BBC reporter. The reporter looked stunned when Graham made the statement that America would reinvade Afghanistan again. Graham said, "We'll have to because the terror threat will be so large."

More incredible words from Graham are on the subject of his idol, the former president, and the "Big Lie" that has tied this nation into knots. The senator praised Trump and agreed that there must have been devious workings in the 2020 election. Later, he made a grand speech from the Senate floor that he was through with his notion that Trump was an honorable man. He had "washed his hands of the mess." 

However, shortly after the former president "retired" to Mar-A-Lago, the senator began making pilgrimages to have audiences with Trump.  Golf outings and splendid lunches seemed to hint at a renewed relationship.  Perhaps Trump's casual mention of his desire to run again in 2024 had something to do with it. Perhaps Graham saw his senate future brightening a bit. 

Graham's phone records between he and Trump seem to be of great importance to the Jan. 6th Committee.  They are likely to be subpoenaed.  The plot thickens!

This senator is still living in the world of the "Big Lie" and the return of the former president to "his rightful chair in the Oval Office.

We cannot trust such a man who holds such a seat of importance in the United States Senate.

He's retirement age - let's nudge him in that direction. Maybe a little boost from the Jan. 6th Committee will help!

We just have to make a clean sweep of those who are still promoting the "Big Lie!"



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