Saturday, September 11, 2021

I am allowed to hate. . .

Hate:  A Feeling of intense or passionate dislike 
for someone or something

There are those who honestly deserve my hate. They are the ones who have brought this nation to its knees. They have announced in no uncertain terms that America's democracy is no longer to their liking. Our demands for equality to all is too unyielding for their white male conservative views:  Immigrants are bad. People of color are bad. Aid for the less fortunate is bad. Freedom to vote is bad. A woman's right to choose how to handle her own body is bad.

Yes, I am filled with hate. I have hate for Republicans who worked to overturn our presidential election on January 6, 2021. I have hate for the Republican-controlled states that passed insane laws to stop people from voting. I have hate for Texas Republicans who ignored a forty-eight-year-old Roe vs. Wade decision on abortion and passed the most ridiculous anti-abortion law ever signed by a governor. I have hate for state Republicans who have fought tooth-and-nail against mandates to wear masks and get Covid-19 vaccinations. I have hate for Republicans who have designed state laws that replace election officials with those who are loyal to their needs. It will make a "lost election" more easily overturned and given to their candidate. I have hate for Republicans who believe they can pick and chose which 244-year-old "rights" they will accept and which ones they will ignore. I have hate for Republicans who have joined forces with domestic terrorists in order to subvert our democracy.  I have hate for Republicans who have openly stated they want to toss out our democracy and form an authoritarian rule of "government." I have hate for Republicans who knowingly lie to Americans about critical issues.

Is it not within my right to hate someone who is determined to bring this nation I love to an end by their lying tongue or a heart that devises wicked schemes?  

"There are seven things that the Lord hates: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."  Proverbs 6

There have been examples of hate since time began.  Good people have had their hearts filled with hate when someone or something attempted to take control of their nation. 

As we argue, there is abundant proof of how a political party is attempting to take control of my country. . . and because of that I am allowed to hate.

If anyone wants me to stop my hate - stop that which makes me hate.

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