Thursday, September 30, 2021

How About Tomorrow At 9 A.M.?


A violent uprising against an authority or government

January 6, 2021

A day that will live in infamy. Also, a day that will test whether we want to live in freedom or under the rule of domestic terrorists and the sound of their "master's voice" who sits in an elected office in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Many of these supposed "leaders" of the greatest nation on earth are, in fact, traitors! And we sit in ignorant bliss across the country while they bounce our rule of law, through a pretense of court dates, like the steel ball ricocheting off the rubber bumpers and pegs in a pinball machine. 

The "powers that be" smugly tell us they are dispensing justice for America. Over six hundred insurrectionists have been rounded up and charged with various crimes. Most have been given suspended sentences and sent home - to wait for "their master's voice" to direct them again!

It has been nearly nine months since the insurrection on our Capitol and not one member of the former president's inner circle nor any suspected congressional elected officials has been brought in for questioning. Worse, it may be months before any of them will be - if ever!

I am asking these legal monkeys just one question:  What is taking so long?

Let's say we start lining them up starting tomorrow at 9 a.m. for questioning. Clean everybody's calendars - time's a-wasting - we are at war, folks.

What can possibly be more important than getting to the bottom of a gang of traitors who were out to overturn our national election and destroy our democracy? Think about it: They actually tried to nullify our election results and give the presidency to the guy who lost! That was a hostile takeover of our government. What can anyone or anything in our Department of Justice have on their docket that is more important than that? Unless they are scheduled for critical surgery, they have no greater excuse than to stop the government and get the scoundrels of this coup attempt behind bars!

We all have been told that the wheels of justice turns slowly, but we were able to stop everything when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Well, America was attacked again on Jan. 6, 2021! So what's the big hold-up now?

But, here we are - nine months later and the traitors are still soliciting donor dollars for their re-election, voting on bills that will affect our futures, and raising hell in general.

The Jan. 6th attack was but the first of their planned take-over. They openly tell us they are just getting started at overturning elections in the future, and that's a fact!

And for everyone's information - we outnumber these cretins nearly 8 to 1. Why are we letting them get away with this?


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