Turn Out The Lights, The "Party" Is Over. . .

"Big Lie" 
Can Finally Die 

Now that the Arizona Tent Show is over, can we just dig a hole and dump in the "Big Lie" for all eternity? Can we just pretend he never started it? Can the Grand Old Party of Trump finally get him off of their backs and get their freakin' stuff together again?

The "Big Lie" was as phony as a three-dollar bill in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Montana. If the Republicans want to move the Cyber Ninjas into those states they'll find the same thing.  It was just that, a big lie! A big Trump lie - perpetuated by him and his goons and sold to his base of supporters by the truckload. His donors poured cash into his coffer like it was gong out of style - which kept the lie going.

The big losers in this catastrophe are the Republican and the United States of America! Our democracy is ragged and thread-bare, also. 

We must, however, keep one very important thing in mind through all of this: He could not have done it alone!  He needed the Republican Party to carry his water. He needed the brainless attorneys at his beck and call to fight those trying to lift up the truth.  And, he needed the right-wing zombie's across the country to keep the other three-quarters of America lathered up and on the edge of their wits!

When all of this is over, America will need a good hot shower, back scrub, and deep disinfection of that infestation of lies that have plagued us for nearly five years! It would be nice if a 98% effective vaccination could be found, too.  I am convinced America could not survive another "Big Lie" fiasco such as this one!

Remember, only we can stop lies from bringing our country to its knees!



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