The Bold, the Cold, the Radicalized. . .

 Know your Troublemakers. . . 

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a Republican politician and a flaming far-right conspiracy theorist who serves as a representative for the United States House for Georgia's 14th congressional district. She is 47 years old and a new member of the House. She graduated from the University of Georgia in 1996.  

Rep. Taylor-Green has reportedly said, "any telecommunication company that hands over Republican phone data to the commission handling the January 6 Capitol insurrection would be shut down," according to multiple sources.  She was, of course, echoing what her House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had also said.

She said, "If members of Congress can have their personal cellphone data exposed...just to hurt us politically in the next election, then we are going into a dangerous place in this country."

Evidently, Taylor-Greene doesn't believe the Committee - and America - have a right to know the corrupt workings of treasonist House members. In other words, these traitors should be allowed to work in the dark as they plot to overthrow our democracy!

Taylor-Greene has been heavily involved with the nefarious horde called QAnon. She has had her own conspiracy theories, as well. She is a highly visible thorn in the side of our congressional decorum and has had her committee assignments stripped from her.

This lady has been trouble for America and the United States House of Representatives since she arrived. She has overtly gone out of her way to throw our government into a tail spin. She has tried to make a national tour with another congressional twit named Matt Gaetz, but their corruption and lies were quickly noticed and future cities began cancelling their "show."

We need to get this one out of office - pronto!  By becoming a House member from Georgia, she failed to notice she was also a voice and action for all of America

Instead, she decided to be just a voice and action for Marjorie Taylor-Greene!  There are places for people like that.

But, as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives 
shouldn't be one of them! 


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