He's Still In Our Midst - And Directing Domestic Terrorists. . .

Many people say I'm filled with hate and can't let go of the continued antics of the former president. Let me tell you the truth. The former president can't let go of us!

He's still grabbing headlines, spreading lies, and keeping the Congressional Members of the Republican Party in his pocket. Most of them are granted audiences with him at Mar-A-Lago and bow to his every demand. Whether the people of America think he is of no further importance to the GOP's politics is ridiculous. While he does not occupy the Oval Office, he is as ingrained in the Party as ever!  

Make no mistake - the former president has situated the Republican Party of Trump as an active and motivated domestic terrorism group. He has put the fear of God into any of them who are not loyal to him, and him alone. Even when President Nixon was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, he went home quietly. He didn't have the chutzpah to take the Party down with him, and he didn't convince 60+% of the Grand Old Party to believe his big lies.

This former president is still the reigning grand Kraken of the bulk of the Republicans who answered a poll asking if they would vote for him again.  Republicans can no longer look the other way. They have tied their star to "the only one" and they - out of great fear - will not desert him now!

So, if you are of the Republican persuasion, you have a lot of work ahead of you. If you can find a way to remove the former president's grip on your Party, it would be beneficial to our nation - and the sooner the better. 

Do it - if not for yourself, do it for your country. 



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