Monday, August 11, 2014

America is throwing them out, Montana...

Montanans have always been proud of their independent and free-minded thinking.  They just don't always cave in to whatever the rest of the country deems politically correct and of a benefit to all. We like to make our own decisions on important items of the day.
But something is changing in Montana.
Many national pundits have moved our political stance from a Red State (for the last eon or so) to slightly Left of Center.  We are now, more often than not, considered a Purple State.
That move can directly be attributed to the annoyance of those Tea Party rascals. They managed to swoop in on the Republican Party "Regulars" and became as welcomed as a sharp stick in a hornet's nest.  Their buffoonery included such national nitwits as Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, and Rick Perry.
Montana had its share of Tea Party copy-cats, too.  They were so obnoxious they caused some of the "Regular" Republican Legislators to scurry across the aisle and vote with the - God forbid - Liberals!
Americans have no trouble finding news reports galore about the "dieing off" of the Tea Party.  The national nitwits have messed in their own nest - so to speak.  They moved so far into Right Field that national pollsters gave up on them as serious candidates for anything.  Actually, the Tea Party's only claim to fame today is the Koch Brothers' signatures on the checks they use to buy elections.
So, tell me Montanans...why are any of you still considering putting a Tea Party Candidate from Montana into the U.S. Senate?  You do know that Daines is a Tea Party wolf in Republican regalia?

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