Tuesday, August 19, 2014

There Is A Better Choice...

A better choice has appeared on the horizon!
Amanda Curtis was a very popular winner in the election process to replace Senator John Walsh as Montana's next Senator in 2014.  And, she is being seen as a sure winner against Congressman Steven Daines, whenever she is introduced to the crowds that have gathered along her campaign stops.  Curtis truly hit the ground running!
Daines is against just about everything Curtis is for. He is another wild-eyed Tea Party nitwit who tried to shut down the government unless "Obamacare" was repealed.  The vote was an idiotic threat that had no chance of passing, but it garnered whoops and hollers from its loony-tune Right-wing fanatics.
Curtis is for strengthening the Middle Class while Daines is turning his back on them. (He is mostly interested in making sure the rich and super-rich are happy little clams.)
Curtis wants to bring jobs back to America that Daines had a personal hand in sending overseas.  Curtis wants to strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid while Daines wants to repeal or privatize them.  Curtis wants to see that the rich and super-rich pay their fair share in taxes, and take away their cowardly system of placing their money in off-shore banks to skirt around our tax laws.  Daines, of course, is against all of that.
Amanda Curtis would be a breath of fresh air in the U.S. Senate.  She would have allies who, together, could get our country heading in the right direction.
She is from the People, and is a true Montanan who personally understands where the Middle Class and Poor need the kind of help that our laws offer.  At the same time, she wants to work hard to see that our large and small business owners can prosper and put Montanans back on the job. 
And won't she look great in that mostly old white guy institution? 
We need a true, native Montanan in this job.  Someone who came from the people and will fight for the people.
Not someone who has his one-percent blinders on and a compass that always points to the Koch Brothers.
"This isn't about Democrat vs. Republican;  this is about the Millionaires vs. the Middle Class."   -  Amanda Curtis

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