Friday, August 29, 2014

Tossing out the "riff-raff"

A rumor is being circulated - whether true or untrue - that suggests a conversation took place between Congressman Steven Daines (R-MT) and a well-known Montana Blogger.
Blogger:  "Is it true that you voted to shut down the government because the U.S. House couldn't repeal "Obamacare?"
Daines:    "Well, I....well,....I kinda'...yeah, I kinda' first, but then I kinda' voted not to the next time because it wasn't gonna' pass that would be "not true" to your question, right?"
Blogger:    "No, that would be "true" to my question, Congressman."
Daines:    "I don't see how that would be "not true."  You media guys can twist a question around to make us politicians look bad.  I took some GOP political classes, and I've learned how to get myself out of misunderstood answers."
Blogger:    "What about your dream to repeal or privatize Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act?"
Daines:    "I know everyone has heard me say that but I'm going to wait until I'm elected before I say any more.  A guy has got to leave the voters wanting more - or less - if you know what I mean."
Blogger:    "Last question.  Did you really vote against the Food Stamp Program and then on your next trip to Bozeman, volunteered to work a Meals on Wheels for one day to get a photo opportunity?"
Daines:    "You know, I've got a really tight schedule today.  Maybe we could continue this next time I'm in town for the big Tea Party Rally."
Blogger:    "Sure."

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