Monday, August 4, 2014

That about "covers" it...

The Tea Party folks should have seen this coming, but they were so puffed up on their own arrogance they couldn't have seen a Minuteman Missile coming.
Their self-styled mode of political campaigning is to say the most outlandish things they can ruminate and then sit back and wait for the likes of the Koch Brothers to send them trainloads of money.  Money - more than anything - is the key to their campaign of fantasy.  Ironically, cutting spending money  is also the key to how they plan to rule the country. They want to cut needed programs and then cut taxes for their rich the Koch Brothers and their ilk.
Congressman Steve Daines is one of those pompous Tea Party nitwits who has two faces.  As a politician of considerable wealth, (some reports say between 10 million and 32 million) he nuzzles up next to the other mega-rich of America and promises to vote for their every greedy wish if elected to the U. S. Senate.
The other face tells Montanans that he is "one of them" and will fight for their needs.  While a neophyte at politics, he has picked up well on how to campaign with the "wink, wink and nod, nod."
The "regular" Republicans have a different take on Steve Daines, however.  It is being reported around the state that the GOP voters are "just not that much into" old two-face.
You know, of course, there is a Libertarian is the race?

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