Saturday, August 9, 2014

Let's end this mindless party...

The approval ratings have hovered in single digits for the past several years for our illustrious members of the U.S. House of Representatives - and to some extent in the U.S. Senate, as well - thanks to the antics of the Republicans and, more specifically, the Tea Party nitwits.
They seem to not only be blind to the embarrassment they cause, but actually relish the public anger it brings them. It's kind of an "in your face" mentality that shows no sign of letting up anytime soon.  Even more sinister, they seem to believe the U.S. House is their island home and nobody is going to tell them what to do or when to do it.
Those Democrats who dare to stand up and be heard are quickly dispensed with in rude fashion.  Several members of the "regular" Republicans find themselves battling the Tea Party crowd, as well. 
So, the answer to this mess is simple.  Don't send any more Tea Party nitwits to the "House Party."
Everyone knows you can't have a civil party unless you scratch certain trouble makers off the invite list.
Are you listening, Montana?  You have a Tea Party nitwit on that list and he promises to cause trouble in the Senate.  Since he has been a Tea Party member in the U.S. House, he voted to shut down the government unless "Obamacare" was repealed.  He's in favor of repealing Medicare and Medicaid.  He's in favor of privatizing Social Security.  He's in favor of killing many programs that are seriously needed by Americans.  In short, he's in favor of gutting needs of the Middle Class and Poor because he and his mega-rich donors have already made those decisions.
Congressman Steve Daines, candidate for Montana's U.S. Senate seat, is a Tea Party nitwit who will try to lie his way into winning by telling Montanans they can count on him to represent them. Once he returns to Washington, however, he puts on his Tea Party hat and does just the opposite.
Don't let him!

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