Friday, August 29, 2014

Generous to a fault...

"Those rich folks are nothing if not generous!"
We are so lucky to have the rich and mega-rich folks looking out for us in this country.  What could we possibly do without them?

Well, let's look at a few things we could do WITH them. 

If they paid their fair share in taxes, we could extend the Social Security Program into infinity.  Americans would no longer live in constant fear of it not being there, and politicians would be threatened with thirty years of hard labor if they even thought of dipping into the fund for other uses.

If the rich and mega-rich paid their fair share in taxes, we could extend - and improve - Medicare for our citizens, instead of these folks working hard to repeal or privatize what is the best health care insurance ever devised. We could also offer Medicaid to our less fortunate citizens.  Good health care is a right, not a luxury.

Now, let's look at a few things we could do WITHOUT them.

If the rich and mega-rich stopped buying elections, we could fill our government with politicians that came from, and understood, the common-sense needs of America.

If the rich and mega-rich corporations stopped sending work out of the country, we could put so many Americans back to work.

If the rich and mega-rich stopped putting their money into blind bank accounts out of the country and paid taxes on their earnings, America would be in better financial shape.

If the rich and mega-rich would stop manipulating the politicians they bought and paid for, we could break the gridlock and get our country back on track.

One last thought:  In case there is one last Republican out there that thinks the "Trickle Down Theory" is tangible - and I don't want to be the one to bust his/her bubble - it has been proven ten ways to Sunday that it is as dead as Mitt Romney's 2012 Presidential effort.  The only trickling down that was ever witnessed was from billionaires to millionaires.  Period.

The debate should not be based on Republican versus Democrat...

It should be based on the rich 1%  wanting to take over this country from the 99% who want to do the right thing for America.


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