Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Daines...flying under media scrutiny

The following is a letter to the editor that was submitted by a Bozeman, Montana resident and printed in the Bozeman Chronicle.
   "Daines supporters are making much of the  plagiarism mistake John Walsh made while at the War College 10 years ago, a mistake Walsh has accepted responsibility for.  But they won't talk about the 30-plus years Walsh spent, honorably, serving his country and state, including two yeas in harm's way in Iraq, a level of service that contrasts sharply with Daines' lack of military service and his years spent exporting jobs to China.
   They also won't talk about the discrepancies between Daines' words and his actions/votes.  Somehow they don't see that as dishonesty.  When it comes to what either man would do as our senator, this is far more important than Walsh's mistake of 10 years ago.  Daines continues to vote contrary to the wishes of most Montanans on key issues (protection of public lands, protection of Medicare, defense of women's rights, and so on).  He keeps saying he's on the right side of these issues while voting the opposite.  This is the worst type of politician.
   I'll take Walsh, flaws and all, any day over the two-faced style of Daines.  We need to send Daines packing in November."
Deborah K. Davidson
This letter was published prior to Walsh's departure from the Senate race.  We all know the adage that it's hard to be a hero in your home town,  but the number of hostile letters published in his hometown newspaper  go beyond the norm.

If you are the kind of voter who keeps a running tally on the candidacy of Daines, you would know how he fails miserably regarding what he promises Montanans versus  what he promises his Tea Party friends in Washington.  His insistence on voting against the wishes of the majority of his constituents is alarming!
Senator Walsh made a mistake and is paying for it now.
Congressman Daines continues to make what is considered by most to be mistakes of a much more egregious nature than his former opponent, and yet seems to keep flying under the critical radar of the Montana media.
Are we going to let big money decide this race?  Or, are we going to step up and barricade this guy's chance at doing in the U.S. Senate what he did in the U.S. House?

His ideas are toxic. 

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