Monday, August 11, 2014

When a door shuts, a window opens...

Montana Democrats once again find themselves digging deep to find a replacement candidate for Sen. John Walsh.  You remember him...the guy who didn't know how - or maybe just forgot - to use quotation marks and foot notes when writing a Masters Thesis.  Evidently that is a prerequisite for United States Senators when writing a bill, for example, that will annihilate Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act, and Social Security from America's seniors, youth, minorities, and disabled citizens.
There are many fine Montana Democrats anxiously awaiting the call to run against the Republican and Libertarian opponents.  The hard job will be to come up with the "Goldilocks" candidate.  He or she can't be too Liberal, because it might turn off some moderates.  They can't be too moderate because it will turn off the Liberal base.  The right candidate has to be a "Moderal," someone who will once-and-for-all speak for all Montanans.
We are in favor of a woman who will be able to show Montana that we are, indeed, marching in the main stream of America.  We are ready to show America that we can lead with our hearts and minds instead of some rich guy's checkbook.  We can offer the United States Senate some sound reasoning instead of Senate votes paid for by the mega-rich buyers of politicians and the silver-tongued devils known as lobbyists.
The opposition candidate can only offer Tea Party "Shut 'er down" mentality. He also offers cutting or repealing all government programs that the Middle Class and Poor desperately need.  He will be a GOP lobbyist's dream!
The opposition candidate is vulnerable because he is unable to garner all of his own party's support.  Plus, he has to contend with losing his own party's votes to the Libertarian candidate due to his extreme and ruthless manners. More than a week after Sen. Walsh's problem was announced, the Republican Tea Party candidate could only muster an additional one-percent increase in the polls.
And that's bad news, no matter how you slice it.

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