Monday, August 18, 2014

Know the facts, Montana

A recent political ad for Congressman Steve Daines on Montana television stations displayed the wording:  "Montanans rank 48th in making a living."
Really?  He's actually admitting that?
As Paul Harvey would say, "...and now you'll hear the rest of the story."
Workers in Montana rank 48th because the Republicans run the State Legislature.  They are more interested in helping Montana Businesses make a living than they are in helping the working middle class.
The new candidate in the race, Amanda Curtis (D-Butte), has hit the nail on the head with her assessment of the problem in today's America:  This political race is not about Republican vs. Democrat.  It is about the millionaires vs. the middle class.  Or, if you prefer, the Haves vs. the Have-Nots.
If you believe the middle class has been plowed under, decimated, starved, homeless, and are for every Democrat that is running in a political race. The Montana Legislature voted down the Extended Medicaid that would have helped 70,000 Montanans.  We are but one of handful of states that refused to implement it...and all are under the control of the Republicans. 
If you believe the millionaires and billionaires should have their way in all things are for every Republican that is running in a political race.
It's that simple.
The plight of our down-and-out, middle class, and poor workers in this country are prevalent in states that are controlled by the GOP. 
Steve Daines has proven by his votes in the U.S. House and his speeches back home that he is a "big business guy" if, ands, or buts.  If Montana ranks low in its workers making a living, you can blame Daines and his pals.
Keep this fact in mind when you go to the ballot box in November:  American Business has more cash on hand now that at any time in the past fifty years.
Guess what the cash on hand for American Workers is!

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