Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Whatever's Fair...

When we think about all of the high crimes and misdemeanors that are committed on a near-daily basis on Capitol Hill and around the country during political campaigns, we wonder where the evil of plagiarism stacks up.  It appears that stealing words and phrases shows a lack of conformity to the traditions or rules of academy.
And, in order to put that into the fewest words possible... always use quotation marks and footnotes to state your sources.
Somehow, as we endure endless political corruption, lies, hate speeches, U.S. House gridlock, threats, and various other sinful excesses, we find plagiarism kind of a puny reason for an entire political party and numerous media outlets to drag out their pitchforks and torches.
Our stand is not to excuse the use of stealing another's words, but if the witch hunters are eager to pounce on this man, then we think they should show the same zeal to root out all of the other evils in politics.  They are as aware of the problems in our political industry as we are, and if they have been reading our blog, they wouldn't have to look far.
The cries heard around America are getting louder.  When will there be real "fair and balanced" reporting on the ugly and hate-filled business of politics in this country?
And no, we aren't willing to wait until Hell freezes over, either.

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