Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I know... it's a political thing - and it's complicated.
But it doesn't have to be that way.

In the last 40 years, voter turnout has been steadily declining in America.  While an average of 48% votes in presidential elections, Western Europe boasts an average of 77%.  During off-year elections in America, the 48% often decreases dramatically.

Studies have found that three of the basic reasons for low voter turnout is:  Disenchantment, indifference, and discontentment.

In very recent years, American Voters - in large numbers - complain about the money that has been dumped into campaign races.  They see their one vote as insignificant when held up against the millionaires and billionaires' monetary influences.  The fact that the U.S. Supreme Court said Corporations are people and can vote as such, didn't help much, either.
The fact of the matter is this:  If we could see 70%-80% turnout at the ballot box, this country's political landscape would be very different.  Instead of seated officials casting votes that are in favor of special interests,  we would see votes - and laws - cast favoring the majority of Americans.
You a real democracy.
So, when the November election of 2014 rolls around, get off your bottoms and do something good for yourself.  It'll also be good for your country.
And forget about all of that damn money that's being thrown around trying to buy your vote.  As soon as the candidate, the Koch Brothers, and their mega-rich friends nail down your vote, they'll forget who you are in a nanosecond!

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