Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is he the "Death" of the Party?

Congressman Steven Daines is a Tea Party Rebel in every meaning of the word, and he is going to take the Republican Party's chance at winning the Montana U. S. Senate seat  down with him!
Tea Party battles are being lost across the country, and for very good reasons.  They are unyielding, insensitive, belligerent, and amateurish in their approach to politics as we know it.
The voting record of Daines should be clear to anyone who would take the time to scrutinize it.  He has opposed most issues that are paramount in importance to the majority of Montanans and Americans, alike.  The congressman has been bought and paid for by big money, big business, and big rebels in the Tea Party.
Now he wants to take his bought and paid for votes to the U.S. Senate and represent those same thugs.
Tell Daines we don't need the Tea Party mentality representing us!

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