Friday, September 19, 2014

Evil Begets More Evil...

Let's begin with these statistics:  U.S. Senate Candidate Amanda Curtis declares her total assets amount at less than $50,000.  U.S. Senate Candidate Steve Daines declares his total assets amount at between $8.9 million and 32.7 million.
Now, to believe the Republican/Tea Party rhetoric that the middle and lower income folks want the rich and mega-rich to hand over some of their money is the biggest whopper ever conceived.  I have never heard one person request such a proposal.
What folks are really saying is clear.  They don't want the rich and mega-rich to keep "buying" politicians.  Is that so hard to understand?  Is that not an un-American tactic if there ever was one?
The evil of buying a politician begets more evil.  More evil begets buying more evil politicians.  More evil politicians begets more corrupt government.  More corrupt government begets plutocracy - government by the wealthy.  A more plutocratic government begets oligarchy - a government in which a small group exercises control for corrupt and selfish purposes.  And that begets a nation in peril!
When we step into the voting booth in less than two months, let's keep in mind just who we really want to send to represent us.  Do we want to send those who were bought and paid for by  the rich, or do we want to send in someone who will represent the  rest of us?
In the final tally, it's up to "us."

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