Legends in their own minds...

Results from a recent national  poll show 75% of the Republicans now holding offices shouldn't be re-elected.
That is a severe denunciation of a large group of elected officials whose moniker  "Grand Old Party" appears to be anything but grand.

There are two more good reasons to heed those statistics right here in Montana, too: Congressman Steve Daines and Candidate Ryan Zinke.  While Zinke is a newcomer to the race for the U.S. House, Daines has managed to display his Tea Party mentality of radical voting.  A former U.S. House member, he believes we Montanans should reward him for voting to shut down the government because of a failed House vote to repeal "Obamacare."

Daines also thinks we should be happy about his efforts to repeal or privatize Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  And, he thinks we should be ecstatic about his hard work to get more tax breaks for his buddies - the rich and mega-rich of America.

Zinke wants us to see him as a member of Seal Team Six, the brave military fighting force who killed Osama bin Ladin...three years after he retired.  It appears he is just another Republican who has little going for him except his military background and lots of money behind him.

Yup...two more GOP fellas that can be included in the over-reaching group known as "Legends in their own minds."

Lump these two into those 75 percenters... and you'll make your vote - and your life - much easier!



    1. Sorry...the poll said 54% of the Democrats should not be elected.


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