Remnants of a House Divided...

We have something for all of the Montana Voters to remember this November.  In the above illustration, Congressman Steven Daines (R-MT, the guy on the right) and the other two are stereotypical members of the garden variety, gridlock gurus better known as Tea Party aficionados.
Yes, he was - and still is - a member of the Hell-raisin' yahoos that have raised a ruckus in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Their modus operandi has been to block anything the president has supported and delay or kill anything the people of this country have wanted.  In short, they have gone on record as being the most "do nothing" House in modern history, and it's all because of their plan to bring this president to his knees.
Their original plan was to make him a one-term president.  When that didn't turn out to well for them, they decided to set traps and find reasons to impeach him.  That's not looking to doable, either, so they have now decided to sue him.  There are some great words to define that much stupidity!
The point of this is found closer to home, however.  Congressman Daines has been a part of this group's  lack of good judgement, and now he is asking us to elect him to the U.S. Senate.  Why on Earth would we want to do that?
That's why we have Amanda Curtis on the ballot.  No Tea Party membership...No political gridlock...No pointy-headed stupidity...No big money buying her election...No Steve Daines!
Montana has no further need of a multi-millionaire Tea Party member who wants to disassemble Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act, and Social Security.
Forest Gump said, "Life is like a box of never know what kind you're going to get."  With Steve Daines, we all should know what kind we'd get:  A millionaire with chocolate all over his face!
See you at the ballot box!


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