The "Unknown" Candidate...

Amanda Curtis
Democrat Candidate for U.S. Senate
Considering the positive spin Congressman Steve Daines is getting from various Montana newspapers and television stations, he should be much further ahead than 20 percentage points.  Especially when you consider his opponents is brand new to nearly all Montanans.
Such is life in the far, far west.
Or, maybe the polls indicate the Democrat Candidate, Amanda Curtis, is a complete unknown to those being polled and just went with the "known" Daines.  The pollsters did jump on their telemarketing calls a few days after Curtis entered the race.  Unless you lived in her hometown, you probably knew very little about her. That, of course, is all about to change.  As a Montana Voter, you owe it to yourself to get to know all  of the candidates.
The important thing in all of this is:  What, exactly, do Montanans know about Daines?  If you are taking notes about how to vote, consider these facts:
     He is a radical Tea Party member.
     He wants to repeal or privatize Medicare, Medicaid, and
        Social Security.
      He wants to eliminate the Affordable
        Care Act.
      When his vote in the U.S. House to
        repeal "Obamacare" failed,
he voted to shut down the government.
     He voted to drastically cut the Food Stamp Program
and then raced home to volunteer his help
in delivering Meals on Wheels
for a photo opportunity.
      He is best known for helping - and getting help from - 
        big business, and sending jobs out of the country.
      He is a multi-millionaire who has the support of big-
        money friends and wealthy PACs who are pouring
        billions of dollars into "buying" races around the
The important thing to know
about the "unknown candidate" is:
She is against everything mentioned above!
So, if you were polled and gave the nod to Daines, maybe you'd like to change your mind.
The only negative about Curtis is being unknown.
...and that's not much of a negative when selecting our next United States Senator.


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