The 'Haves' and the 'Have-Nots'...

Let's elect Amanda Curtis to be the first Montana woman to the U.S. Senate!  Not just to be the first woman, but because she is the best choice.
Everything Curtis stands for is what every Montanan wants in Senate representation.  She stands with the Middle and Lower Class of Montanans and will fight hard to keep this country from being handed over to the "Haves."
Her opponent, Cong. Steve Daines, has sold his soul to the mega-corporations and mega-money people (like the Koch Brothers) and he will certainly do their bidding if he is elected.  He has already let it be known that he is in favor of repealing or privatizing such programs as "Obamacare," Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Amanda Curtis will fight hard to retain those programs that are so successful and greatly needed to keep our Middle and Lower Class from completely disappearing.  The disastrous route that the GOP and Tea Party has taken America has led to a near-annihilation of working-class Americans...all because of their drive to enrich the wealthiest of our nation, with a veiled and false promise that the "trickle down" theory will help the rest of us.
Vote for Amanda Curtis to the U.S. Senate, to turn these bad ideas around!  This isn't between Republicans and Democrats...this is between Republicans and the Middle and Lower Class.


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