Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Register and Vote...It's Your Responsibility

We all know that Congressman Steve Daines voted to shut down the government.  He was just lip syncing what the U.S. House GOP and his old pals, the Tea Party, wanted him to say.
But the point to remember is WHY he voted the way he did:  The House GOP, at the urging of the radical  Tea Party, was trying to repeal "Obamacare" (more than 50 tries in all) or they would shut down the government.  "Shut 'er Down Steve" thought this would be a great idea and went along with them.  Does anyone really think he is his "own man?"  It is going down in history as one of many stupid maneuvers by Daines and his Tea Baggers.
Daines, as a multi-millionaire (between $9 and $33 million by his own report) has had heaps of cash thrown at him by the big money boys as they work to get him elected.  If successful, he could stand tall with the same rich and super-rich while repaying  their generosity with Senate votes.
But that is not what the majority of Montanans want or need.  Montana - and America - has handed over too many rights and too much control to the wealthy already.
We need to stop that evil in the November Election, and we can start by telling Steve Daines to unpack his bags because the only way he'll get to Washington D.C. is as another rich lobbyist.
Amanda Curtis can do the job Montanans want done, thank you very much!


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